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It’s no secret that New York is our favorite city. It’s where we started KoMocean, where we manufacture all of our swim trunks, and where our team calls home. In fact, we just opened our very first office in New York’s garment district. So now that spring has finally sprung, staying close to home has it’s perks. Here are some of our favorite things to do in NYC this spring…when it’s not raining of course.
1. Head to Sheep’s Meadow for pick up games, people watching and what might be your skin’s first exposure to the sun in months. And since everyone is out in full force after being cooped up all winter, it’s some of the best people watching around.
2. Al Fresco dining never feels as good as it does on those first warm days of the year. The fancy folks like Cipriani on West Broadway, but for something a bit more relaxed, we suggest Palma on Cornelia street. The backyard garden is a great spot for dinner with friends or a date. Plus, it’s been in the family for generations.
3. Hitting golf balls over the Hudson. Okay, so nothing new here, the range at Chelsea piers has been a staple for years, but who doesn’t love getting out a bit of winter angst by sending a golf ball soaring into the river?
4. And if it happens to be raining, Kehinde Wiley has an exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum that features an impressive amount of work (more than we expected). Plus, the museum is running a Basquiat exhibit that overlaps through May 24th.